Chris-Marine / Motoronderhoud / Monitoring

Shaft Power Limitation (ShaPoLi) solution

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The IMO has set the target to mitigate CO2 emissions from ships by at least 40% by 2030 compared to 2008 levels. To meet this target, IMO has adopted Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and CII, a set of amendments to existing regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from vessels.

Where CII is an indicator of how efficient vessels operate, EEXI is the new IMO framework setting the minimum design efficiency of existing ships with Gross Tonnage over 400 GT falling under MARPOL Annex VI.

With just few months to go, ship owners and managers will need to prepare for EEXI requirements in advance by investing in appropriate solutions, taking the time needed to assess and improve their vessels. This is crucial to ensure that their fleets are ready by the beginning of 2023, having demonstrated compliance and having been granted the proper certificates to carry on trading internationally.

To help its customers comply with EEXI requirements, Chris-Marine has developed a Shaft Power Limitation (ShaPoLi) solution that will enable existing ships to meet the minimal energy efficiency level to comply with the upcoming regulations.


ShaPoLi system

The Shaftpower system measures the actual power and limits it at the maximum allowed to meet the ship’s required EEXI. The system is designed according to the GUIDANCE  of major classification societies and the approval process is ongoing.


Override function

To ensure safety at sea, the system is overridable in case of an emergency and overrides are automatically logged and easily audited by the relevant authorities through our SPEAT display on the bridge.

Combine EEXI compliance with an Optimum CII rating

The Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) is an operational measure, targeting the continuous improvement of the actual energy efficiency of the vessel and is measured in grams of CO2 emitted by cargo-carrying capacity and nautical mile.

For ship owners to optimize their ship´s performance, there are several concrete actions they may undertake to enhance how efficient they can operate their fleet and lower CO2 emissions. One effective way to keep the CII under control is to monitor ship performance, including fuel consumption, and power output and use the data to decide on timely engine maintenance and hull cleaning. Those actions may be performed immediately, with up-to-date ship performance data enabling safe and efficient way of vessel operation.

Our onboard SPEAT system is designed to monitor and improve ship operation by raising crew awareness through Key Performance Indicators, allowing a cut in fuel consumption, and enabling ship operators to remain competitive in the market while increasing profitability at the same time. Our ship performance monitor provides a set of tools to operate ships in more economical, environmentally friendly, and thus sustainable ways.

How it works

LEMAG SPEAT is designed to give the ship operator instantaneous status of the vessel’s operational performance. Data is collected from the shaft power meter, fuel flowmeters and different navigational instruments. Collected data is analyzed and compared against a benchmark using Key Performance Indicators in real-time, enabling the master or the officer of the watch to assess, evaluate and take the best decision. LEMAG SPEAT is a future-proof system which can be extended with further interfaces to monitor new process areas and enhance functionality.


Why choose a Chris-Marine Solution?

  • More than 60 years of experience in maritime business
  • Pioneer in maintenance & monitoring equipment & services
  • Close to 2000 LEMAG Shaftpower systems installed onboard ships
  • Chris-Marine experts assure ongoing customer´s support


Contact us for more information.

Key Features of ShaPoLi Solution

  • Cost-effective solution
  • Reliable, safe & efficient
  • Easy to install (No Off-hire time)
  • Designed with Class guidance
  • Tamper-proof system

Advantages of Shaft Power Limitation (ShaPoLi)

  • Independence from engine maker / builder
  • Limited at real power limit
  • No torque loss at reduced rpm
  • Fast and easy access to additional power reserve

ShaPoLi compared to EPL/OPL

  • More flexibility in power available.
  • Direct access to full engine power.
  • Automatic event logging and reporting for the OMM.
  • Additional performance measurements.
  • Investment costs expected to be lower than for most EPL solutions.

Scope of supply

  • LEMAG Shaftpower torque meter
  • Control unit (calculation & limitation)
  • LEMAG SPEAT Monitoring system
  • Onboard Management Manual

General System Requirements

According to MEPC.335 (76) Guidelines:

  • Overridable
  • Data Logging
  • Tamper Proof
  • Controlled from the Bridge

Based on IACS recommendation 172:

  • Independent from engine automation
  • Alarming on the bridge
  • Acknowledge by password
  • Automatic event logging


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